'Tis the Season

Eight of the menorah candles symbolise the miracle of how, after the temple had been recaptured, one day's worth of lamp oil lasted eight days, until new oil could be pressed and made ready for use. (The ninth is for actual fire-lighting purposes--you can't use the eight lights for that)

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Sol Invictus, Jul, Hanukkah or some other mid-winter seasonal festival, this is the time of year to reflect on the balance of the seasons and the turning of fall to winter, symbolic of death, rebirth, change and hope.

It's been exactly one month since I posted a blog entry. To people who've been waiting, I very much apologise. My personal life has unfortunately taken up much of my attention, and it's lead me to neglect my updates here. For all my friends who've been waiting to see pictures of the Limited Edition season, I'll get those up right quick, and for those looking for my particular brand of snarky disdain for the opinions of other wine writers, I've got a backlog of dismissive sneeriness to let loose, as well as some observations about modern wine thinking. 

However, that's down the road a wee bit. Before I get back to blogging, I'd like to wish all of you reading this the best of the season: no matter who you are or how you identify your beliefs, there's rarely a time of year when it's more welcome to be friendly, open of heart and free with good cheer and fellowship. May you find good in those around you, and take comfort in your families and your friends, and share the joys of your season with others.


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